Defesa de Mestrado do Gustavo!

29/06/2020 20:34

Defesa de Mestrado – PPG em Biotecnologia e Biociências

Aluno: Gustavo Rocha

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Rafael Diego Rosa

Data: 29 de junho de 2020

Título do trabalho: Prospecção e caracterização molecular de novas defensinas do tipo CSαβ (Cg-Defs) e big defensinas (Cg-BigDefs) na ostra Crassostrea gigas.

Banca: Profa. Dra. Franceli Rodrigues Kulcheski (UFSC/CCB/BEG)

Banca: Profa. Dra. Patrícia Hermes Stoco (UFSC/CCB/MIP)

Clique aqui para assistir à defesa

Frontiers in Immunology – Special Issue

21/06/2020 16:41

Research Topic “Aquatic invertebrate against infectious diseases

Aquatic invertebrate aquaculture and fisheries are important economic sectors and play a crucial role in global food security. Despite the considerable increase in aquatic invertebrate aquaculture growth in recent years, the severe impact of diseases on production performance remains the most critical challenge to the sustainable development of the industry worldwide. A wide range of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, can infect farmed animals leading to severe economic losses to the aquaculture industry.

Studies on aquatic invertebrate immunity expand understanding of the molecular basis of host-pathogen interactions and contribute significantly to the management of diseases. Disease outbreaks ordinarily result from the disruption of the balance and harmony between host and pathogen, but also the endobiont microbial dysbiosis. Explaining the principles of microbiota-host-pathogen interactions is essential, considering it may provide insights into the mechanisms of infections. However, pathogens can evade elimination by the host immune system using various mechanisms and cause severe infections.

Recent studies have provided some novel insights into the immune defense in aquatic invertebrates. For example, the discovery of antiviral mechanisms in crustacean penaeid shrimp operating through specific and unspecific responses triggered by the RNAi machinery and interferon-like system, respectively. In addition, it should be noted that some pathogens (e. g. viruses) have adopted many different strategies to inhibit or subvert diverse intracellular signaling events to manipulate the homeostasis environment beneficially for its replication. Despite the vast body of work, our understanding of microbial infection and pathogenesis is far from complete. In addition, because of the urgent need for disease mitigation and prevention, some research progress has shown great potential for the protective effect elicited by RNAi therapy and antimicrobial agents, such as the antimicrobial peptides.

We welcome prospective authors to contribute Original Research, Review and Perspective articles covering but not limited to, the following sub-topics:
1. Molecular aspects involving the microbiota-host-pathogen interactions
2. Molecular mechanisms of host immune responses to infection
3. Evasion mechanisms used by pathogens to overcome attacks from the immune system
4. New therapeutic strategies for microbial infections in aquatic invertebrates

Keywords: innate immunity, immune regulation, aquatic invertebrates, microbiota-host pathogen interactions, therapeutics

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Submission deadlinesAbstract (24 July 2020). Manuscript (27 November 2020)

Topic Editors: Chaozheng Li (Sun Yat-sen University; Guangzhou, China), Luciane Maria Perazzolo (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil) and Kunlaya Somboonwiwat (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand).

Author guidelines

Defesa de Mestrado da Talita!

12/04/2020 18:54

Defesa de Mestrado – PPG em Biologia Celular e do Desenvolvimento

Aluna: Talita Ribeiro Gagliardi

Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Luciane Maria Perazzolo

Data: 03 de abril de 2020

Título do trabalho: Imunidade intestinal em camarões Litopenaeus vannamei: expressão gênica espacial e o efeito da via de infecção pelo WSSV.

Banca: Profa. Dra. Gislaine Fongaro (UFSC/CCB/MIP)

Banca: Prof. Dr. Guilherme de Toledo e Silva (UFSC/CCB/BEG)

Coronavírus: Administração Central divulga medidas de contingência e rotinas de trabalho

17/03/2020 17:42

A Administração Central da UFSC divulgou, na noite desta segunda-feira, 16 de março, as Portarias Normativas nº 352/2020/GR e 353/2020/GR, que dispõem de medidas relativas à rotinas de trabalho e funcionamento da Universidade frente à pandemia do Covid-19.

Os documentos estabelecem medidas em caráter temporário, excepcional e emergencial, com modificações das atividades técnico-administrativas e de docência no âmbito da Universidade.

Portaria nº 353/2020/GR, estabelece procedimentos e rotinas nas atividades acadêmicas, técnicas e administrativas para atendimento de medidas de contingência, suspendendo as aulas presenciais, o atendimento nos restaurantes e o atendimento presencial nas bibliotecas.

Além disso, estabelece condições de excepcionalidade no funcionamento de atividades docentes e técnico-administrativas. A Portaria contém, ainda, um anexo com um Plano de Contingência para Enfrentamento Institucional do Novo Coronavírus (Covid-19).

>> Confira, na íntegra a Portaria nº 353/2020/GR e Plano de Contingência

Defesa de Mestrado do Luiz!

01/11/2019 09:22


Defesa de Mestrado – PPG em Biologia Celular e do Desenvolvimento

Aluno: Luiz Gustavo Vasconcelos Machado

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Rafael Diego Rosa

Data: 30 de outubro de 2019

Título do trabalho: Análise molecular e transcricional de peptídeos antimicrobianos envolvidos na relação fungo-hospedeiro de camarões-rosa do gênero Farfantepenaeus.

Banca: Profa. Dra. Gislaine Fongaro (UFSC/CCB/MIP)

Banca: Profa. Dra. Luisa Damazio Rona Pitaluga (UFSC/CCB/BEG)